Ask Daniel #47: Success & Struggle

Uncategorized May 19, 2020

Colleen aka Jane has slept really well for three weeks after relaxing the CBTi rules! But can she have alcohol at night? Akash wonders if meditation and progressive muscle relaxation are part of CBTi. Jau ask about restless legs and a twitch from the right ankle when about to fall asleep. Brent is coming off medications and feels like he has little to no sleep drive. Is there a natural way to increase your sleep drive? Fei is coming of Seroquel. What's the best way of coming off medications for sleep? Joseph has hallucinations, jerks and is afraid he may have sporadic fatal insomnia. Ali has found a way to rethink paradoxical, hypnic jerks and waking up after one hour of sleep and shares the mindset that has helped her get good sleep. Juro sleeps good for one week but then has a sleepless night. Is tis a normal part of getting into better sleep shape? Vince has a 2nd relapse. Or does he? Lorena wonders when it's time to stop. using a sleep diary. AA asks if it's ok to move his sleep window 45 minutes forward.

Roadmap: From Insomnia to Immunity

Feeling lost? Getting past insomnia can feel daunting if you don't have a clue of what's ahead. Sign up here and we'll send you a guide that outlines the steps towards better sleep.