Talking Insomnia #44: Sleeping little doesn't say anything about who you are

Uncategorized Jan 30, 2021

After three CBTi courses, a mindfulness course and two years of struggling, Erica randomly came across BedTyme on Instagram. Having worked with Coach Daniel, things have become much better, but sleep is still fragile. Erica has identified that what keeps her in a place if lingering fear is attaching meaning to sleepless nights. Feeling that sleeping well is a sign that she is “normal”, and sleeping little that something is not right.

How can Erica continue her journey towards a place of no struggle and no fear?


Roadmap: From Insomnia to Immunity

Feeling lost? Getting past insomnia can feel daunting if you don't have a clue of what's ahead. Sign up here and we'll send you a guide that outlines the steps towards better sleep.