Talking Insomnia #48: "I was looking for the quick fix!" Ben's story

Uncategorized Feb 27, 2021

In the spring of 2019, Ben started working with a coach and wanted to improve his fitness over the summer. When his diet changed, he started sleeping less. Having always been a high achiever, he approached sleep as he would his fitness goals.

After having searched for a quick fix, Ben saw that focusing less on improving sleep and more on what he enjoys during the day was what really helps.

He still has nights of less sleep, and some worry about having more trouble in the future. In this episode we talk about what led Ben to nearly completely abandoning the struggle, and how to take that final step!


Roadmap: From Insomnia to Immunity

Feeling lost? Getting past insomnia can feel daunting if you don't have a clue of what's ahead. Sign up here and we'll send you a guide that outlines the steps towards better sleep.