Open Class #31: Elizabeth's success story and more

Uncategorized Nov 12, 2020

Elizabeth shares how not fearing being awake led her to a place of not struggling with sleep. Qin is in a dark place, Ruben jumps in live with some very encouraging words. Jessica slept great for months but now is panicking again. Luke wonders if cell phones in the evening really is ok?

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Open Class #30: with Coach Michael

Uncategorized Nov 12, 2020

Thoughts about anxiety and sleep; an email and your live questions!

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Open Class #29: To Christopher, Misha and Milos

Uncategorized Nov 07, 2020

Connie shares a success story and important insights. She no longer takes supplements or medications and she sleeps well! Christopher has tried CBTi before but is more motivated than ever. 7 days in things are brutal but there are glimmers I’d hope. Misha has slept well for a long time, hit a speed bump and wonders why. Milos has struggled for 7 months and is desperate, what to do!

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Insomnia Insight #349: Teachings from a Former Insomniac

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2020

When Covid disrupted Chrisanne’s life, sleep vanished and a wild chase for elusive zzzs followed. Like so many before her, she tried everything without sleeping more. It took education, habit change and self-compassion, but now she is sleeping well again. In this episode, Chrisanne shares her time in insomnialand and the most important steps back to a place of sleeping well, so that you also can get there.

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Insomnia Insight #348: Demystification always helps

Uncategorized Nov 05, 2020

Frima asks if people have different circadian rhythms and if it changes with age. In this episode we review her questions as well as how homeostatic and circadian forces create the experiences we call wakefulness and sleep.

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Open Class #28: To Daniel, Ernest, Hugo, Beanburger and Tony

Uncategorized Nov 04, 2020

Daniel wonders how common it is to have hypnic jerks months after having started to sleep well. Ernest has slept well for several months but is feeling very tired, what’s going on? Hugo asks which program would be best for him. Beanburger is considering keeping himself awake for a really long time in order to get some sleep. Tony has done well with spending less time in bed but is having some speed bumps.

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Open Class #27: With Coach Michael!

Uncategorized Nov 03, 2020

Sarah started struggling with insomnia after having a child, and now she is reacting strongly to her husband's snoring. Malina has been noticing breath pauses as she is falling asleep and jolts awake. Johnny is having vivid dreams and is also worried about SFI. Lot's to discuss, along with live questions!

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Talking Insomnia #36: Reboot your sleep cycle? Roundtable with Martin Reed!

Uncategorized Oct 31, 2020

Per popular demand, we review an article from Lifehacker magazine (thanks Riley for the tip!). The consensus becomes that it is not clear for whom articles like this is written, that insomniacs consume them more readily than anyone else, and that things are much more nuanced than they may seem!

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Talking Insomnia #35: The mindful way to peaceful sleep with Trevor Youngquist

Uncategorized Oct 30, 2020

In this special episode, Trevor Youngquist ( shares why mindfulness is such a powerful tool to have when you're suffering from insomnia and how it helped him on his own journey towards sleeping well.

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Roadmap: From Insomnia to Immunity

Feeling lost? Getting past insomnia can feel daunting if you don't have a clue of what's ahead. Sign up here and we'll send you a guide that outlines the steps towards better sleep.